
Jitterbugging in juke joint, 1939 Clarksdale, MississippiThe Mississippi River has inspired generations of Americans to travel, appreciate nature and express themselves. Canoes, rafts, steamboats and barges transport people, goods and ideas connecting the country.

The River stirred emotions in Memphis Minnie, propelling her forward to become a female blues pioneer and performer, respected as a singer, guitar player and composer. The Mississippi River set the stage for Mark Twain’s works as a writer and even birthed his name. Our Big River continues to be a muse, a setting, a cradle for ideas and culture to grow and ripen.

New pages will be added here under “Celebrate” to honor the cultural significance of the River. We will highlight each new page in our monthly newsletter and you can sign up here!

Our newest page on History was added in July!

Be sure to send us your feedback and suggested additions.