Our government can be very confusing and laborious. Luckily, the folks at 1 Mississippi spend a lot of time pouring over very confusing and laborious documents to translate them into real, human English. As Congress goes through its Appropriations processes, one of the programs they’re considering is the Environmental Management Program (EMP). It’s being pitched as one of the most important programs for the Upper Mississippi River, but as everything flows downstream, that means it is one of the most important programs for the River as a whole.

The EMP historically has been funded around $20 million per fiscal year. With the economic crisis, its clear that these levels will be cut. The House approved the EMP at $16.445 million and the Senate at $18.15 million. These numbers represent a real investment in the future of Mississippi River residents. The US Army Corps of Engineers estimates that for every $1 million spent, thirty jobs are supported. The EMP then would support approximately 545 jobs in the region, including manyconstruction jobs that employ local workers.

Additionally, what these jobs actually entail benefits the larger River community. The EMP supports things like dredging sediment buildup from choked backwaters and limiting resources for invasive species like Asian Carp. These benefits support tourism, recreation and a general positive quality of life. No one wants to take their children fishing only to be hit with a forty pound flying carp.

So while some funding for the Environmental Management Program is definitely going to get cut, we here at 1 Mississippi are hoping they go with the Senate levels.