The NBA playoffs have arrived and the contenders have at least one thing in common: good communication. To successfully play in a band, run a business, land a plane, drive a car, boat or barge and yes, play on a sports team,
good communication is essential.
What most of us forget is true communication is
about giving and receiving information.
We must listen to each other, ask questions to facilitate our understanding and actively digest the information; that is the difference between hearing and listening. We can hear birds chirping, but only when we listen can we recognize their location, species, tone and unique song.
Our intention at 1 Mississippi is to provide some context and commentary on the various challenges we face as a River community as well as connect River Citizens to the River and each other through information and events. Every month we shoot the newsletter out into the seemingly black hole of cyberspace, to thousands of email boxes with the hope that something we share will be interesting, useful or compelling to you.
Generally, we give information, but that special time of year is here where we hope to receive information. In order to understand you, your values and needs we conduct an annual survey. By listening to our growing community of River Citizens we want to know: What do you like about the River? What do you like about the campaign? Who are you anyways?
Good Teamwork Depends on Good Communication.
We here at 1 Mississippi are a team working toward getting the River the national attention it deserves. To make sure we are answering your questions and concerns we need to find out what is on your mind! Please take this opportunity to be heard. Help make the website, newsletters and overall campaign better by filling out the annual River Citizen survey. It should take less than five minutes, but it will help the campaign exponentially.
Take the survey today—we are all ears.
Yours in respect and service,
Annette, 1 Mississippi Outreach Coordinator
Trivia Question:
Which one of these crazy ear facts is TRUE?
- Crickets have their ears on the bottom of their feet to hear vibrations in the ground.
- Cicadas have their ‘ears’ in their stomachs.
- One type of butterfly has the tiniest ears in the animal kingdom, located on top of their antennas.