Pirates of the Mississippi

Pirates of the Mississippi Avast, me ‘earties! Gather around for a tale of treachery, murder and wonder, and consider ye warned. For the sharp swift blade of the buccaneer’s sword wasn’t for those of the Caribbean alone… When you hear the word pirate, you may...

Field Notes: The River Really is Cleaner

From the time I was four years old, my father would take me fishing on the Mississippi River. He would frown and say explicit things about the litter left behind by fishermen, partiers and fellow river rats. Then we would pick up after them, that being my first lesson...

We Need a Megaphone of Our Own

As the American Queen approached a lock, a crowd gathered on deck to watch the proceedings. I walked around and listened to what folks were saying, and I heard a lot of admiration and wonder at the engineering. This happened at nearly every lock the boat passed...