Most Endangered Rivers

We can all agree, here, that the rivers are precious. They nourish us with fresh water, they increase our quality of life, they sustain our communities by providing jobs. But today, our rivers are endangered. Every year since 1986, this report has put a spotlight on...

De-mystifying the Farm Bill

The Izaak Walton League recently released a brief educational video to help people understand how the U.S. Farm Bill system of payments and incentives impacts our natural resources, and why it’s essential to advocate that conservation measures accompany...

Chipotle’s Back to the Start

  Chipotle is doing its part in working toward a more sustainable kind of living. Their video “Back to the Start” shows the evolution of our food system through one farmer’s adult life. It shows how his small family farm tried to compete with a large industrial...

Fertilizing to death

The Mississippi River is the largest watershed in North America. It has a major affect on the millions of people that come in to contact with it every day; more than 50 cities rely on the River for their daily water supply. As the Mississippi River flows through the...