We Need a Megaphone of Our Own

As the American Queen approached a lock, a crowd gathered on deck to watch the proceedings. I walked around and listened to what folks were saying, and I heard a lot of admiration and wonder at the engineering. This happened at nearly every lock the boat passed...

Roadtripping With a Raindrop

Although I had bumped into 1Mississippi a few times, I had not really looked at the website until recently. When I did, it was immediately clear that I had found a community of “my people” – folks who, like me, seem to have Mississippi mud in our veins. I signed up to...

Field Notes: Markevius ‘Dinky’ Jones

The following was written by Markevius ‘Dinky’ Jones, 18, River guide with campaign member, Quapaw Canoe Company. It was written for “Our Mississippi”. “I grew up on the river, but I never fished or swam or canoed in it until I met John Ruskey,...