Mississippi River: We Love What We Know

Written by Allie Mastny, 1 Mississippi Intern Brought up on the banks of another river in eastern Minnesota, I signed on as a 1Mississippi intern last summer feeling like a turncoat. The Mississippi River I could see from downtown St. Paul and Minneapolis had nothing...

Louisiana demands cleaner waters!

Louisiana falls near the end of the Mississippi River’s journey. As the Mississippi River flows through the heart of America, it passes through the Corn Belt. Crops such as corn and soybeans can require a lot of fertilizer but in many cases, the fertilizer is not used...

All water is created equal

We love reminding people about all of the amazing facts and figures that flow from the Mississippi River. For instance, it’s 2,320 miles long, flowing from Lake Itasca, Minnesota, all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River connects the lives and...