River des Peres Watershed Coalition invites interested volunteers and experienced water quality monitors to participate in Bike with Your Boots On along River des Peres Greenway in St. Louis!
Join us on June 15th at 9:00 a.m. at Fultz Field parking lot along River des Peres Blvd, St. Louis Missouri. No experience in water quality testing is required, but everyone must wear a bike helmet if bike riding. Volunteers can choose to bike ride on the greenway trail or drive directly to the monitoring sites. Please bring a water bottle to keep hydrated and be prepared for the possibility of getting your feet wet. Trained water quality monitors will collect water quality monitoring data from sites and can offer opportunities for new trainees or interested citizens to observe.
We can use the chemistry data collected throughout the day to have a snapshot of the health of the River des Peres watershed. RSVP to info@riverdesperes.org if you are interested!