The mighty Mississippi is MY River. It is YOUR River, as well. Have you ever spent a day watching the mighty Mississippi roll along its path from Minnesota to Louisiana? It is quite a sight. The sheer strength of the Mississippi is something to behold. Everyone should take the time to enjoy its grandeur. You should also take the time to support it to keep it thriving and surviving!

As a River Citizen I have pledged to keep the River protected in small, simple ways that add up to bigger and greater things. Here are a few:

  • Start visiting and supporting your local farmers markets! Find the Organic farmers and support them! They are spearheading the change we need because they don’t rely on phosphorous and nitrogen-based chemicals for their produce. It’s a win-win – you get clean, healthy, delicious food and the River wasn’t hurt in the process.
  • Start paying attention to what you put on your lawn! The chemicals that you use to feed and treat your lawn end up going through the storm drains and back into the river. There are many options for environmental friendly chemicals if you just take the time to read the labels. There are more “green” brands popping up daily.
  • Start volunteering for a river clean up! Many cities along the Mississippi hold annual river clean ups! You can suggest starting one with your neighborhood or with a local volunteer group. Taking the time to join other citizens of the river and pick up trash and beautify our river for future generations.

These are among the many things you can do to help support OUR River. Please join me as a River Citizen and begin your journey to save OUR River.

Can the River Count on You?

~Jessie Demster

1 Mississippi Tennessee/Kentucky Outreach Assistant


Tennessee / Kentucky 1 Mississippi Outreach Assistant