Field Notes: Know (and care for) Your River

The shiny sunflower morning beamed through the Hostel window planting a smile on my face waking me in good spirits. The day after Valentine’s when all took the time to express their love for family, friends, and life – we put our attention to our River,...

Learning through Adventure!

Guest Blog by Jordan Hanssen, author, adventurer, speaker & President of OAR Northwest Little did my parents know what developing an appreciation for classics like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn would inspire in me.  Maybe it’s not an...

Take Charge, Organize a River Cleanup

In dozens of communities along the Mississippi River from  St. Paul, MN to New Orleans, LA Living Lands & Waters (LL&W) is coordinating the Great Mississippi River Cleanup (GMRC). The first Great Mississippi River Cleanup was held on one-day in 2010.  Since...

Pirates of the Mississippi

Pirates of the Mississippi Avast, me ‘earties! Gather around for a tale of treachery, murder and wonder, and consider ye warned. For the sharp swift blade of the buccaneer’s sword wasn’t for those of the Caribbean alone… When you hear the word pirate, you may...