Field Notes: Intimate Travels and Tributaries

By Mark “River” Peoples 1 Mississippi Intern, Quapaw Canoe Company We wake at the banks of the Yellowstone River. Instantly I start to reflect upon the sites, sounds,  distinct landscapes and settings we use as boundaries.  Separation by east, west, north,...

Mississippi River: We Love What We Know

Written by Allie Mastny, 1 Mississippi Intern Brought up on the banks of another river in eastern Minnesota, I signed on as a 1Mississippi intern last summer feeling like a turncoat. The Mississippi River I could see from downtown St. Paul and Minneapolis had nothing...

Field Notes: Water for Life

The Mark River Blog: Water for Life By Mighty Quapaw Youth Leader Mark “River” Peoples 1 Mississippi Southern Region Intern Coming off the healing ceremony of the equinox, the Bear Dance, I’m feeling focused and energized for the season...