Beyond the fireworks, picnics and cookouts, Fourth of July celebrations remind us of the sacrifices made by our ancestors 237 years ago. Those sacrifices guaranteed our rights to a free press and free speech, and we have the responsibility to exercise these rights to formulate our government.

Our choices shape the world and past actions are not just words on a page; they live and breathe all around us. They are found in the Clean Water Act, Civil War muskets, cobblestone streets, grandparents’ memories, attics and stories. Our history comes from real people with families, hopes and fears.

Tomorrow’s history comes from

today’s actions.

The 1 Mississippi campaign takes the long view of history. We know progress in improving the health of our River can be slow. But we also know slowly, but surely, our actions do add up. So that, someday, the River’s problems will be history.


Calling all history buffs!

From civil war battle fields to titans of industry, the Mississippi River region is bursting with historical markers, monuments, events and sounds that can transport visitors to the moments that built our country.Let history reignite your passion for the River, turning the past into energy for the future.

The 1 Mississippi campaign encourages all River Citizens to dive into history.

Visit our new History page which is designed to give a small taste of the incredible historical opportunities spanning our River. Hopefully, this page will ignite your imagination and inspire historical adventures. Of course, the content we’ve put on the site so far barely scratches the surface. So, send me your ideas, links and resources for other historical content we should add. Your input can help us build a resource that inspires more people to experience the unique history of our Mississippi River region.


Yours as always with respect and service,




Annette Gomberg
1 Mississippi Outreach Coordinator







This month we have a River Citizen riddle for you:

What can run but never walks,
Has a mouth but never talks,
Has a bed but never sleeps,
Has a head but never weeps.
Answer: On our blog Death and Destruction!